

Educational Requirements and Interdisciplinary Aspects

Educational Requirements and Interdisciplinary Aspects

Learn about the academic expectations of a data scientist and why data science is interdisciplinary.

Educational requirements for data science job

"What is the educational requirement to become a data scientist?" is a common question among aspiring data scientists or data science enthusiasts. The answer is simple: you will see that most jobs in the data science world require a master's (postgraduate) degree in a quantitative subject, but if you do not have one, then a diploma in data science or data science certification would be the second best choice if you do not have any experience in data analytics. Even if you have some experience in data analytics, we suggest you go for a diploma or at least a certification because they will help you pass the initial screening test.

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Educational requirements for data science
Educational requirements for data science

The followings are the educational requirements for most jobs, but it also varies from company to company. As a programmer, you must have studied two or more of the quantitative subjects listed below:

  • Applied Mathematics

  • Statistics and Biostatistics

  • Operations Research

  • Economics: Microeconomics and macroeconomics

  • Finance: Personal finance, corporate finance, international finance, public finance, investment ...