

Building an Application

Building an Application

Build a Quarkus application.

Quarkus offers many options when building our application. It comes with developer tools and different Docker files, so the build process is relatively easy with Quarkus.

One of the advantages of using Quarkus is the possibility to build native images. However, sometimes, we need the JVM for building purposes, such as running analysis tools. That’s why Quarkus offers both options.

Building JVM Image

Quarkus offers the possibility to build JVM images and to directly package them in a Docker image.

Packaging to runnable jar

Building a Quarkus application in JVM mode is done with a one-line command. Depending on our choice of build tool, we can run the following commands:

  • Using CLI: quarkus build.
  • Using Maven: ./mvnw install.
  • Using Gradle: ./gradlew build.

After running one of the above commands, we’ll end up with several generated files under the ...