

Configuring a Quarkus Application

Configuring a Quarkus Application

Learn how to configure your Quarkus application.


Quarkus offers multiple ways to configure our application. The most common include:

  • System properties
  • Environment variables
  • An .env file in the working directory
  • A Quarkus application file (.properties or .yaml file)

System properties

System properties are passed to a Quarkus application with the -D flag when running our application.

When working with the developer tools, we can pass all kinds of properties. For example, when we created our application, we used the below command to generate the source code:

Press + to interact
mvn io.quarkus.platform:quarkus-maven-plugin:2.15.3.Final:create \
-DprojectGroupId=io.educative \

The example above uses Maven to create a new Quarkus ...