

Your First App: Media Playlist

Your First App: Media Playlist

In this lesson, you will apply what you’ve learned about Spring Boot to develop a media playlist application.

In the previous lesson, you learned how to handle errors. In this lesson, we will put all our knowledge together and build a complete application.

Media playlist application

This application allows us to do the following from UI:

  • Create a new playlist
  • Delete a playlist
  • Add a new song to a playlist
  • Delete a song from a playlist

Click on the RUN button to start the application.

rootProject.name = 'media-app'

Project structure and files

  • build.gradle – This contains the dependencies needed for the project.

  • src/main

    • java
      • io.educative.mediaapp

        • ServletInitializer.java – this class extends SpringBootServletInitializer to make it eligible to deploy as a traditional WAR application.
        • SpringBootMediaAppApplication.java – This class is annotated with @SpringBootApplication which does the auto-configuration of the application.
      • io.educative.mediaapp.config

        • SwaggerConfiguration.java – This is a @Configuration annotated class that contains the beans that initialize Swagger for this application.
      • io.educative.mediaapp.controller
