

Tracked and Computed Property

Tracked and Computed Property

Learn to use tracked and computed properties in Ember controllers.

Tracked property

Tracked properties are used as a decorator to mark a property as tracked. They’re imported from @glimmer/tracking. When a property is marked as tracked, it rerenders the DOM whenever the value of that tracked property is changed. A counter with the increment or decrement functionality needs to be tracked. This allows us to change it without having to render the DOM. Let’s create a counter layout in the practice template to learn about the tracked property:

Press + to interact
{{page-title "Practice"}}
<h3 >{{this.count}}</h3>
<button class= "btn btn-success" {{on 'click' this.increment}}>+1 </button>
<button class= "btn btn-danger " {{on 'click' this.decrement}}>-1</button>
{{!-- {{outlet}} --}}
  • Line 3: We add a count property in an h3 tag. We use this to refer to the properties from controllers.

  • Line 5: We create a button and add an increment event handler.

  • Line 6: We create a button and add a decrement event handler.

Now, let’s ...