HomeCoursesDeveloping Robust Web Applications with Ember.js


16h 10min

Developing Robust Web Applications with Ember.js
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Gain insights into Ember.js, explore templates, components, routing, and testing. Delve into building a complete e-commerce app and integrate with Firebase to leverage Ember's features robustly.
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Course Overview

Ember.js is a JavaScript framework for building scalable web applications with discrete components. In this course, practicing JavaScript developers will be introduced to the Ember.js framework. You’ll start by setting up Ember and creating a project application. You’ll continue with the building blocks of Ember.js, including templates, components, routing, services, helpers, Ember Data, and testing. You’ll then use the components to build a complete e-commerce application from scratch. Each lesson will ad...Show More
Ember.js is a JavaScript framework for building scalable web applications with discrete components. In this course, practicing ...Show More


Learn to create web applications using Ember.
Learn to use Ember CLI.
Learn to use templates, routing, and controllers.
Learn to use Ember Data.
Learn to use Firebase with Ember using EmberFire.
Learn to create web applications using Ember.

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Course Content


Course Overview

3 Lessons

Get familiar with Ember.js and build an e-commerce web application incrementally.


Getting Started with Ember

2 Lessons

Look at Ember.js's MVC architecture and create your first application with Ember CLI.


Routing in Ember

6 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of routing in Ember.js, including setup, data handling, and 404 routes.


Components in Ember

6 Lessons

Tackle using Ember components for reusable code, dynamic rendering, and enhanced product displays.


Controllers in Ember

5 Lessons

Piece together the parts of controllers, actions, properties, and setup in Ember.js.



4 Lessons

Break apart helper functions in Ember.js, including built-in and custom helper functions.


Services in Ember

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Ember services to manage states, implement carts, and update product counts.


Testing in Ember

5 Lessons

Take a closer look at testing frameworks, unit tests, integration tests, and user acceptance tests in Ember.js.



1 Lessons

Tackle creating robust web applications using Ember.js with practical skills and knowledge.
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