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Before Getting Started
Introduction to Distributed Systems
Getting Started
Fallacies of Distributed Computing
Difficulties Designing Distributed Systems
Measures of Correctness in Distributed Systems
System Models
Types of Failures
The Tale of Exactly-Once Semantics
Failure in the World of Distributed Systems
Stateless and Stateful Systems
Quiz on Essentials of Distributed Systems
Basic Concepts and Theorems
Algorithms for Horizontal Partitioning
Primary-Backup Replication Algorithm
Multi-Primary Replication Algorithm
Quorums in Distributed Systems
Let AI Evaluate Your Understanding of Replication Algorithms
Safety Guarantees in Distributed Systems
ACID Transactions
The CAP Theorem
Consistency Models
CAP Theorem's Consistency Model
Isolation Levels and Anomalies
Prevention of Anomalies in Isolation Levels
Consistency and Isolation
Hierarchy of Models
Why All the Formalities?
Quiz on Distributed System Concepts and Theorems
Distributed Transactions
Introduction to Distributed Transactions
Quiz on Distributed Transactions
Achieving Isolation
Achieving Serializability
Pessimistic Concurrency Control (PCC)
Optimistic Concurrency Control (OCC)
Achieving Snapshot Isolation
Achieving Full Serializable Snapshot Isolation
Quiz on Isolation
Achieving Atomicity
Hard to Guarantee Atomicity
2-Phase Commit (2PC)
3-Phase Commit (3PC)
Quorum-Based Commit Protocol
Quiz on Atomicity
Concluding Distributed Transactions
How It All Fits Together
Long-Lived Transactions and Sagas
Defining the Consensus Problem
FLP Impossibility
The Paxos Algorithm
Intricacies of Paxos
Paxos in Real Life
Replicated State Machine via Consensus
Distributed Transactions via Consensus
An introduction to Raft
Communication among Raft Nodes
Raft's Implementation
Standing on the Shoulders of Giants
Quiz on Consensus
What is Different in a Distributed System?
A Practical Perspective
A Theoretical Perspective
Logical Clocks
Quiz on Distributed Clocks
Total and Partial Ordering
The Concept of Causality
Lamport Clocks
Vector Clocks
Version Vectors
Dotted Version Vectors
Distributed Snapshot Problem
Solving the Distributed Snapshot Problem
Physical and Logical Time: Closing Thoughts
Quiz on Event Ordering
The Physical Layer
The Link Layer - Services
The Link-Layer Protocols
The Network Layer
The Transport Layer
The Application Layer
Taking a Step Back
Quiz on Networking
A Cryptography Primer
Symmetric/Asymmetric Encryption and Digital Signatures
Quiz on Security
Security Protocols
Transport Layer Security (TLS)
Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Web of Trust (PGP)
OAuth Protocol
Quiz on Security Protocols
From Theory to Practice
Case Study 1: Distributed File Systems
Hadoop Distributed File System and Google File System
Creating and Reading Files
Writing and Deleting Files
GFS Consistency Model
Quiz on Distributed File Systems
Case Study 2: Distributed Coordination Service
Coordination Service
Guarantees Provided by Zookeeper
Zookeeper's ZAB Protocol
Examples of Powerful Primitives by Zookeeper API
Quiz on Distributed Coordination Service
Case Study 3: Distributed Data Stores
BigTable/HBase Architecture
Appends and Read Operations in HBase
Guarantees Provided by HBase
Cassandra's Data Model
Cassandra's Cluster Internode Communication
Cassandra's Consistency Levels
Linearizability Violations in Cassandra
Linearizability Guarantees by Cassandra
Cassandra Performing Queries Efficiently
Spanner's Data Model
Spanner's Architecture
Spanner using TrueTime
Spanner Operations
Quiz on Distributed Data Stores
Case Study 4: Distributed Messaging System
Introduction to Kafka
Kafka Levers
Kafka's Messaging Guarantees
Transactions, Storage Layout, and other Guarantees
Quiz on Distributed Messaging Queue
Case Study 5: Distributed Cluster Management
Components of Manager and Worker Nodes
Case Study 6: Distributed Ledger
Introduction to Corda
Corda's Data Model
Corda's Architecture
Backwards Compatibility provided by Corda
Quiz on Distributed Ledger
Case Study 7: Distributed Data Processing Systems
Introduction to MapReduce
MapReduce's Manager-Worker Architecture
Introduction to Apache Spark
DAG of Stages in Apache Spark
Perks of Apache Spark
Apache Flink
Time and Watermarks in Flink
Failure Recovery in Flink
Quiz on Distributed Data Processing Systems
Practices & Patterns
Communication Patterns
Creating and Parsing Data
Transfer of Data
Datastores for Asynchronous Communication
Communication Models
Coordination Patterns
Coordination Patterns
Data Synchronization
Data Synchronisation
Event Sourcing
Change Data Capture (CDC)
Shared-nothing Architectures
Sharing Problems and their Solution
Benefits and Drawbacks
Distributed Locking
Leases in Distributed Systems
Preventing Safety Risks in Leases
Compatibility Patterns
Backwards Compatibility
Maintaining Backwards Compatibility
Dealing with Failure
Failure Handling Techniques
Applying Failure Handling Techniques
Containing Impact of Failure
Reacting to Backpressure
Distributed Tracing
Recording Program's Execution
Concluding this Course
Recap of the Course
Some More Things to Discover
Distributed Systems for Practitioners
Quiz on Essentials of Distributed Systems
Quiz on Essentials of Distributed Systems
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