Custom Actions

Learn about custom actions and how to add them to your Django change view page.

Adding custom actions

On the list pages, Django admin provides an action select-box to delete results.

You can add your custom actions. For example, you will add a publish items action.

def make_published(modeladmin, request, queryset):
	queryset.update( timedelta(days=1))

make_published.short_description = "Mark selected questions as published"

You need to create a function with your business logic code. A question is displayed as published when its pub_date is in the past, so you will subtract one day from the current date. This will make the current question appear as published and display a tick or the word True against it in the row.

Then, to add the new action in the list of the admin page, you will just write:

actions = [make_published]

Now, if you select the questions and click on the GO ...