HomeCoursesThe Django Admin for Web Developers


17h 30min

The Django Admin for Web Developers
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Gain insights into the Django Admin interface, learn about automatic generation, data management, custom functionalities, advanced UI customization, and explore admin rights permission management.
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Course Overview

In this course, you will learn the basics of the Django Admin interface, a great tool to build a powerful admin interface quickly for your Django project. First, you will learn how to automatically generate the admin interface for your Django models, how to populate fake data, and then search or filter data with some advice to improve performance. Next, you will see how to extend the functionalities of the admin interface such as adding custom fields, add intermediate pages, or creating custom actions l...Show More
In this course, you will learn the basics of the Django Admin interface, a great tool to build a powerful admin interface quickl...Show More

Course Content


Design Customization

5 Lessons

Unpack the core of Django admin customization, encompassing template overrides, chart integration, and dynamic visualizations.


Advanced Customization

6 Lessons

Rebrand and enhance Django Admin by customizing templates, adding views, and using third-party packages.


Access and Rights Management

1 Lessons

Break down complex ideas on managing user and group permissions in Django Admin.



1 Lessons

Map out the steps for choosing between Django Admin and custom interfaces.
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