Using Static Files in Django

Let's learn how to serve a static image.

So far, we have used templates to insert simple text. But we don’t always just want text. Sometimes, we want to send other types of media, too. For example, say we wanted to return a user’s photo. For this kind of purpose, we use static files.

What are static files?

Static files are files that clients download as they are from the server or files that get served statically, i.e. with no modification. These static files could include stylesheets, JavaScript files, and images. Now, let’s see how to serve static files.

For this example, we will be using the code we got from the Code Templates in Django lesson.

We need to perform the following steps:

Step 1: Create a static directory

First, we will create a directory by the name of static in the outermost first_project directory. Inside this directory, we will create a first_app directory, just like we did with templates. Then, we have to create another directory, and call it images. So, the folder hierarchy becomes: first_project/static/first_app/images/.

Step 2: Tell Django where to find static images

In this step, we edit the file, just like we did with templates. We begin by opening the file. As we did with templates, we will use os.path.join to specify the static directory. So, we add the following line below the TEMPLATE_DIR line:

STATIC_DIR = os.path.join(BASE_DIR,"static")

In the above example, the STATIC_DIR variable holds the absolute path to the location of the static folder inside of our project. Now, scroll all the way down in the file and we will notice a pre-built variable by the name of STATIC_URL holding a value of /static/. However, we want to add another variable that will be able to take a list of static file directory paths. The reason for this is that when dealing with our own applications and projects, we want to take the same approach we did with templates and give each application its own special folder. Within that folder is where we put the images. So, that’s what we did in Step 1. Add the following line below the STATIC_URL line:


In this example, STATICFILE_DIRS holds the list of static file directories.

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