Quick Recap

Let's review what we have learned in this chapter.


No software is perfect, but it is unfortunate when your experience with using a tool is diminished due to bugs. Hopefully, you should now be aware of the main problems and be prepared to face them. Let’s review what we covered in this chapter:

  1. We explored an issue where Rails’ tmp/pids/server.pid file does not always get removed upon terminating the containers.
  2. We learned about entrypoints, which are prepended to the command run on starting a new container.
  3. We utilized an entrypoint to create a wrapper script that deletes the tmp/pids/server.pid on starting a container, working around the issue.
  4. We discussed an issue where Compose intermittently aborts instead of terminating containers gracefully, deciding that the best approach to avoid it may be running Compose in detached mode (-d).

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