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Who is this Course for?
Why Use Docker for Rails?
A Brave New World
Basic Concepts — Images and Containers
Running a Ruby Script Without Ruby Installed
Generating a New Rails App Without Ruby Installed
Docker Architecture
Quick Recap
Quiz: A Brave New World
Running a Rails App in a Container
How Do We Run Our Rails App?
Dockerfile Creation and Explanation
Defining Our First Custom Image
Running a Rails Server with Our Image
Quick Recap
Quiz: Running a Rails App in a Container
Fine-Tuning Our Rails Image
A Default Command
.dockerignore File
The Image Build Cache
Caching Issues
Quick Recap
Quiz: Fine-Tuning Our Rails Image
Describing Our App Declaratively with Docker Compose
Getting Started with Compose
Launching the Rails app
Mounting a Volume Using Compose and Sharing Images
Starting and stopping services
Other Common Tasks
Quick Recap
Quiz: Describing Our App Declaratively with Docker Compose
🍀 Challenge
Beyond the App: Adding Redis
Starting a Redis Server
Making a Manual Connection to Redis Server
Learning How Containers Communicate
Our Rails App and Redis Communication
Quick Recap
Quiz: Beyond the App: Adding Redis
Course Assessment
Docker for Rails Developer—Exam 1
Adding a Database: Postgres
Starting a Postgres Server
Connecting to Postgres from a Separate Container
Creating Our App Databases
Restarting Our Rails Server with Database
Decoupling Data From a Container
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Quiz: Adding a Database: Postgres
Playing Nice with JavaScript
Front-End Options
Compiling Assets with Webpacker
A Hello World React App
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Running Tests: Configuring RSpec
Quiz: Playing Nice with JavaScript
Testing in a Dockerized Environment
Ruby Testing Framework: RSpec
Our First Test using RSpec
Setting Up Rails System Tests
Running Tests: Providing Support for JavaScript
Seeing the Tests Run
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Quiz: Testing in a Dockerized Environment
Advanced Gem Management
The Downside to Our Existing Approach
Solution To Manage Gems Effectively
Testing The New Method Of Gem Management
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Quiz: Advanced Gem Management
Some Minor Irritations
Rails Server not starting?
Server Not Shutting Down Gracefully
Quick Recap
Quiz: Some Minor Irritations
Closing Thoughts on Docker in Development
Course Assessment
Docker for Rails Developer—Exam 2
The Production Landscape
The “Ops” in DevOps
Container Orchestration
A Tale of Two Orchestrators: Swarm and Kubernetes
IaaS vs. CaaS
Provisioning Your Infrastructure
CaaS Platforms
Serverless for Containers
How to Decide What’s Right for Me?
Quick Recap
Quiz: The Production Landscape
Preparing for Production
Configuring a Production Environment
A Production Image
How to make Custom Image
Quick Recap
Quiz: Preparing for Production
A Production-Like Playground
Production-Like Environment
Exploring the Docker Machine
Introducing Docker Swarm
Describing Our App to Swarm
Migrating the Database
Deploying Our App on a Swarm
Tasks and Swarm’s Scaling Model
Scaling Up the Service
Quick Recap
Quiz: A Production-Like Playground
Deploying to the Cloud
The Cloud: Our Final Frontier
Deploying to AWS
Visualizing Containers
Scaling Up
Cleaning Up
Deploying to DigitalOcean
Quick Recap
Quiz: Deploying to the Cloud
Course Assessment
Docker for Rails Developer - Exam 3
Closing Thoughts and Next Steps
Reflection on Journey
What Should I Learn About Next?
What More Can I Learn?
Installing Docker
Platform Differences
Finding Images to Use
Docker for Rails Developers
Quiz: Beyond the App: Adding Redis
Quiz: Beyond the App: Adding Redis
Let's evaluate what we learned so far.
We'll cover the following...