

Docker CLI: Docker Images

Docker CLI: Docker Images

Learn useful Docker CLI commands related to Docker Images.

Docker images

Build an image from a Dockerfile

docker image build -t <image_name> .

Assuming a Dockerfile is in the current directory:

docker image build -t myimage .

The option -t allows you to tag the image. In this case, the image named myimage is tagged latest as no tag was specified. The tag can be specified as:

docker image build -t myimage:first .

The period at the end of the command is essential. It references the application path. You can also use -f <file> if you didn’t name your build file “Dockerfile”, e.g., if an alternative file name was used:

docker image build -f mybuildfile.txt -t myimage .

Tag a built image

docker tag <image_name> [user/repository:tag]

Example: tag the myimage image with first in the Docker Hub myrepository repository and the username is myname:

docker tag myimage myname/myrepository:first

📌 You do not need to make the Docker Hub explicitly. Running this command will create a repository named myrepository itself.

Push tagged images to Docker Hub

docker push [user/repository]


docker push  myname/myrepository

You can also push with tag:

docker push  myname/myrepository:first

List Docker images

docker image ls
docker images

View all images, both active and dangling:

docker image ls -a
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