

Docker Compose Commands

Docker Compose Commands

Learn the common CLI commands for Compose.

Docker Compose CLI

Docker Compose commands can be used in the same directory as your docker-compose.yml configuration file. Let’s have a look at some of the most commonly used commands.

Launch all containers:

docker-compose up

Images can be rebuilt with:

docker-compose up --build

You can also build it first and then launch it:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up

Specify an alternative directory and/or filename:

docker-compose -f ./my-config.yml up

-f is necessary for the commands below if you are running docker-compose from a directory other than where the configuration YML file is stored.

Start as background service:

docker-compose up -d

View active containers:

docker-compose ps

View container logs:

docker-compose logs

Pause running containers with:

docker-compose pause

Then resume with:

docker-compose unpause

Restart all stopped and running containers:

docker-compose restart

Stop containers without removing them:

docker-compose stop

Start stopped containers:

docker-compose start

Remove stopped containers:

docker-compose rm

Stop and remove running containers, images, volumes, and networks:

docker-compose down
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