Exploring Transactional Boundaries

Learn how to manage transactions across requests by implementing dependency injection and context propagation.

Starting with the more important part first, we will tackle how to create a new transaction for each request into our modules, whether these come in as messages, a gRPC call, or the handling of a domain event side effect. As we are using grpc-gateway, all of the HTTP requests are proxied to our gRPC server and will not need any special attention.

Propagating transactions: Best practices and considerations

Creating a transaction is not the difficult part. The challenge will be ensuring the same transaction is used for every database interaction for the entire life of the request. With Go, our best option is going to involve using the context to propagate the transaction through the request. Before going into what that option might look like, we should also have a look at some of the other possible solutions:

  • We can toss out the option of using a global variable right away. Beyond being a nightmare to test, they will also become a problem to maintain or refactor as the application evolves.

  • A new parameter could be added to every method and function to pass the transaction along so that it can eventually be passed into the repositories and stores. This option, in my opinion, is completely out of the question because the application would become coupled to the database. It also would go against the clean architecture design we are using and make future updates more difficult.

  • A less ideal way to use a context with a transaction value within it would be to modify each of our database implementations to look for a transaction in the provided context. This would require us to update every repository or store and require all new implementations to look for a transaction. Another potential problem with this is we cannot drop in any third-party database code because it will not know to look for our transaction value.

A more ideal way to use the context, in our opinion, is to create a repository and store instances when we need them and to pass in the transaction using a new interface in place of the *sql.DB struct we are using now.

Using a new interface will be easy and result in minimal changes to the affected implementations. A new dependency injection (DI) package that we will be adding will handle creating the repository instances with the transactions. Our approach will require a couple of minor type changes in the application code, with the rest of the changes made to the composition roots and entry points.

How the implementation will work

A new DI package will be created so that we can create either singleton instances for the lifetime of the application or scoped instances that will exist only for the lifetime of a request. We will be using a number of scoped instances for each request so that the transactions we use can be isolated from other requests.

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