Additional Input Parameters
Find additional details about the input parameters for several endpoints.
We'll cover the following...
Event search
The full details of all the parameters taken by the events endpoint are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Category | Description |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by the event ID. |
| string | optional | A keyword on which the search is performed. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by the attraction ID. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by the venue ID. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by the postal code or the zipcode. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by latitude and longitude. This filter is deprecated and may be removed in a future release in favor of |
| string | optional | The radius of the area in which we want to search for events. |
| enum['miles', 'km'] | optional | The unit of the radius. The default value is |
| enum['ticketmaster', 'universe', 'frontgate', 'tmr'] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by their primary source name or publishing source name. |
| string | optional | The locale in ISO code format. Multiple comma-separated values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by the market ID. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with a start date after this date. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with a start date before this date. |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| number | optional | The number of results to be returned per page. The default value is |
| number | optional | The page number to be returned. The default value is |
| string | optional | The sorting order of the search results. Allowable values are |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with an onsale start date after this date. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with an onsale start date before this date. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the city. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the country. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the state code. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by classification name, that is, the name of any segment, genre, sub-genre, type, sub-type. Negative filtering is supported by using the following format '-'. (Negative filters may cause decreased performance.) |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by classification ID, that is, the ID of any segment, genre, sub-genre, type, sub-type. Negative filtering is supported by using the following format '-'. (Negative filters may cause decreased performance.) |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the DMA ID. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with a local start date within this range. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with a local start and end date within this range. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with a start and end date within this range. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with public visibility starting from this date. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with a presale start date within this date. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with an onsale start date on this date. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered to return events with an onsale range within this date. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the collection IDs. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the segment IDs. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the segment names. |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the promoter ID. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the genre ID. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the sub-genre IDs. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the type IDs. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the sub-type IDs. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the geohash. |
| enum['us', 'ca'] | optional | The preferred country we want to find events in. The default value is |
| enum['yes', 'no'] | optional | If yes, spell check suggestions are included in the response. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the domain they are available on. |
Attraction search
The full details of all the parameters accepted by the attractions endpoint are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Category | Description |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by the attraction ID. |
| string | optional | A keyword on which the search is performed. |
| enum['ticketmaster', 'universe', 'frontgate', 'tmr'] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by their primary source name or publishing source name. |
| string | optional | The locale in ISO code format. Multiple comma-separated values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| number | optional | The number of results to be returned per page. The default value is |
| number | optional | The page number to be returned. The default value is |
| string | optional | The sorting order of the search results. Allowable values are |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by classification name, that is, the name of any segment, genre, sub-genre, type, sub-type. Negative filtering is supported by using the following format '-'. (Negative filters may cause decreased performance.) |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by classification ID, that is, the ID of any segment, genre, sub-genre, type, sub-type. Negative filtering is supported by using the following format '-'. (Negative filters may cause decreased performance.) |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the segment IDs. |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the genre IDs. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the sub-genre IDs. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the type IDs. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the sub-type IDs. |
| enum['us', 'ca'] | optional | The preferred country we want to find attractions in. The default value is |
| enum['yes', 'no'] | optional | If yes, spell check suggestions are included in the response. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the domain they are available on. |
Venue search
The full details of all the parameters accepted by the venues endpoint are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Category | Description |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by the venue ID. |
| string | optional | A keyword on which the search is performed. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by latitude and longitude. This filter is deprecated and may be removed in a future release in favor of |
| string | optional | The radius of the area in which we want to search for venues. |
| enum['miles', 'km'] | optional | The unit of the radius. The default value is |
| enum['ticketmaster', 'universe', 'frontgate', 'tmr'] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by their primary source name or publishing source name. |
| string | optional | The locale in ISO code format. Multiple comma-separated values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| number | optional | The number of results to be returned per page. The default value is |
| number | optional | The page number to be returned. The default value is |
| string | optional | The sorting order of the search results. Allowable values are |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the country. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the state code. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the geohash. |
| enum['us', 'ca'] | optional | The preferred country we want to find venues in. The default value is |
| enum['yes', 'no'] | optional | If yes, spell check suggestions are included in the response. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the domain they are available on. |
Classification search
The full details of all the parameters accepted by the classifications endpoint are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Category | Description |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by the classification ID. |
| string | optional | A keyword on which the search is performed. |
| enum['ticketmaster', 'universe', 'frontgate', 'tmr'] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered by their primary source name or publishing source name. |
| string | optional | The locale in ISO code format. Multiple comma-separated values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| integer | optional | The number of results to be returned per page. The default value is |
| integer | optional | The page number to be returned. The default value is |
| string | optional | The sorting order of the search results. The default value is |
| enum['us', 'ca'] | optional | The preferred country we want to find results in. The default value is |
| enum['yes', 'no'] | optional | If yes, spell check suggestions are included in the response. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the domain they are available on. |
Find suggestions
The full details of all the parameters accepted by the suggest endpoint are as follows:
Parameter | Type | Category | Description |
| string | optional | A keyword on which the search is performed. |
| string | optional | If provided, the results are filtered by latitude and longitude. This filter is deprecated and may be removed in a future release in favor of |
| string | optional | The radius of the area in which we want to search for events. |
| enum['miles', 'km'] | optional | The unit of the radius. The default value is |
| enum['ticketmaster', 'universe', 'frontgate', 'tmr'] | optional | If provided, the results are filtered by their primary source name or publishing source name. |
| string | optional | The locale in ISO code format. Multiple comma-separated values can be provided. When omitting the country part of the code (e.g. only |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the results are filtered to return events with a start and end date within this range. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the results are filtered to return events with a local start and end date within this range. |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| enum['yes', 'no', 'only'] | optional | If |
| number | optional | The number of results to be returned per resource. The default value is |
| string | optional | If provided, the results are filtered based on the country. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the results are filtered based on the segment IDs. |
| string | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the geohash. |
| array[string] | optional | Defines which resources to include in the response. It defaults to all resources, that is, |
| enum['us', 'ca'] | optional | The preferred country we want to find events in. The default value is |
| enum['yes', 'no'] | optional | If yes, spell check suggestions are included in the response. |
| array[string] | optional | If provided, the search results are filtered based on the domain they are available on. |