

Probability Distribution Monad

Probability Distribution Monad

In this lesson, we will discuss probability distribution using monads in C#.

In the previous lesson, we discovered the interesting fact that conditional probabilities can be represented as likelihood functions and that applying a conditional probability to a prior probability looks suspiciously like SelectMany, which is usually the bind operation on the sequence monad.

Monads in C#

We created a new implementation of SelectMany that creates an object which samples from the prior, calls the likelihood, and then samples from the resulting distribution. Is that the bind operation on the probability distribution monad?

If you’re completely confused by the preceding paragraph, you might want to read an introduction to monads for OO programmers.

We need the following things to have a monad in C#:

  1. We need an “embarrassingly generic” type: some Foo<T> where it can sensibly take on any T whatsoever. IDiscreteDistribution<T> meets that condition.
  2. The type represents an “amplification of power” of the underlying type. Indeed it does; it allows us to represent a probability distribution of particular values of that type, which is certainly a new power that we did not have before.
  3. We need a way of taking any specific value of any T and creating an instance of the monadic type that represents