/Dom Elements Selection: Cypress-testing-library
Dom Elements Selection: Cypress-testing-library
Let's learn about Cypress-testing-library.
We'll cover the following...
Testing Library by Kent C. Dodds is based on the assumption that tests must consume the web app the same way a consumer does.
What does this mean? Well, try thinking about how users consume a web app. They interact with contents, labels, placeholders, buttons. Users do not care about the selectors, but about ** contents**. Accordingly, if the users cannot find these elements then they cannot use the application as intended. As a developer, this means you have a UX problem. By testing from the user perspective, you can avoid these problems early before your web page goes live and impacts users.
Take a look at this test:
context("Signup flow", () => {it("The happy path should work", () => {cy.visit("/register");const random = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100000);cy.get("[data-testid=username]").type(`Tester${random}`);cy.get("[data-testid=email]").type(`user+${random}@realworld.io`);cy.get("[data-testid=password]").type("mysupersecretpassword");cy.get("[data-testid=signup-button]").click();cy.get("[data-testid=no-articles-here]", { timeout: 10000 }).should("be.visible");});});
Input fields that respond to the [data-testid=username]
selector do not give us confidence that a user can easily consume our content, nor that the right element has the data-testid
The Testing Library has many plugins, one of which is dedicated to Cypress.
Using the testing library, we can leverage all the Testing Library functions, like ...