Wrapping Up

Let's wrap up with a quick summary and a final note for our learners!


This course provided you with the basic information, principles, and experience-based advice to enter the world of testing methodologies. In this course, you have studied how to overcome initial obstacles in testing and learned how to leverage the benefits of testing.

We started with testing basics, and then introduced you to Jest, E2E testing, and how to write an E2E for a conduit app using Cypress.

We also learned about the best practices used in writing the test. We explored testing different user flows without a working back-end.

At the end of the course, we offered comparisons between Cypress and other testing tools. We introduced you to the shortcomings of E2E testing and explored why it is important to write low-level tests.

Final note

Congratulations on the completion of this course! It has been a long journey but you have made it to the end. Thank you for being part of the Educative learning community.

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