Choosing a Hero

Build the functionality for the player to choose a hero.

We'll cover the following...

After the game lists the heroes, the player must type a number to choose one. Let’s build that functionality. First, we need to generate a question with the numbers that the player can choose, get the player’s input, parse it, and select the corresponding hero. Let’s improve the lib/dungeon_crawl/cli/hero_choice.ex with the following code:

Press + to interact
def start do
Shell.cmd("clear")"Start by choosing your hero:")
heroes = DungeonCrawl.Heroes.all()
find_hero_by_index = &, &1)
|> display_options
|> generate_question
|> Shell.prompt
|> parse_answer
|> find_hero_by_index.()
|> confirm_hero

The pipeline of functions says to take the heroes’ names, display them, generate a question, ask the user for input, parse the user’s answer, find the corresponding hero, and confirm the player choice. The pipeline starts with a list of heroes and ends with the chosen hero. So, after listing the heroes, we must implement the generate_question/1 function: ...