HomeCoursesLearn Functional Programming with Elixir


11h 10min

Learn Functional Programming with Elixir
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Gain insights into Elixir's functional programming fundamentals, explore expressions, modules, conditional statements, recursion, and delve into advanced topics like higher-order functions and application design. Discover Elixir's vibrant community and tooling.
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Course Overview

Elixir is a functional programming language that runs in the Erlang VM, a powerful environment to run distributed systems. This course uses Elixir because of its fun syntax, vibrant community, and production-ready tooling. Elixir syntax lets you focus on what’s important while learning functional programming. Starting from scratch, you will learn the fundamentals of Elixir including expressions, modules, conditional statements, and recursion. Towards the end of the course, you will focus on more advanced m...Show More
Elixir is a functional programming language that runs in the Erlang VM, a powerful environment to run distributed systems. This ...Show More


You will learn how to create conditional code with functions.
You will learn higher-order functions in Elixir.
You will explore how to model data, create contracts, and achieve polymorphism using Elixir.
You will learn how to make applications in Elixir.
You will learn how to create conditional code with functions.

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Course Content


Getting Started

2 Lessons

Get familiar with functional programming concepts and Elixir basics for reliable software.


Introduction to Functional Programming

5 Lessons

Look at functional programming benefits over imperative, emphasizing immutability, and clear, maintainable code.



1 Lessons

Get started with creating powerful tools using Elixir and pursue advanced learning.



2 Lessons

Go hands-on with Elixir installation and enriching game dynamics through creative room triggers.
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