High-Level Workflow
Learn about the workflow of a typical deepfake setup.
Fake content generation is a complex task consisting of a number of components and steps that help in generating believable content. While this space is seeing quite a lot of research and hacks that improve the overall results, the setup can largely be explained using a few common building blocks. In this lesson, we’ll discuss a common high-level flow that describes how a deepfake setup uses data to train and generate fake content. We'll also touch upon a few common architectures used in a number of works as basic building blocks.
As discussed earlier, a deepfake setup requires a source identity (
Input processing: The input image (
or ) is processed using a face detector that identifies and crops the face. The cropped face is then used to extract intermediate representations or features. Generation: The intermediate representation along with a driving signal (
or another face) is used to generate a new face. Blending: A blending function then merges the generated face into the target as cleanly as possible.
Respective works employ additional interim or post-processing steps to improve the overall results. The figure below depicts the main steps in detail:
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