The view Map Mode

Learn how to use the view map mode on an embedded map.

The view map mode

The view mode will display a map with no markers or directions. It won’t focus on any one place in particular. The base URL of this map mode looks like this:

Unlike the place mode, the view mode requires the center parameter, which accepts comma-separated latitude and longitude values. For example, the values 40.689247,-74.0445025 refer to the Statue of Liberty.

The view map mode parameters

We can use the following parameters in the view map mode:






This parameter sets the center of the map view. It accepts comma-separated latitude and longitude values.



This parameter sets the initial zoom level of the map view. It accepts integer values ranging from 0 to the maximum possible zoom value as input.

The maximum possible zoom value varies depending on the location but is usually 21 with an individual building-level zoom. A zoom level of 0 provides a view of the whole earth.



This parameter defines which map type loads. It only accepts roadmap and satellite as possible map types.



This parameter defines the language for the UI elements and labels on the map. It accepts a two-character ccTLD region code as input.



This parameter defines the appropriate borders and labels to display, and tailors them according to the geopolitical sensitivities of a region. It accepts a two-character ccTLD region code as input.

Code example

In the code example below, the view map mode is used to display a map of the Statue of Liberty. The required center parameter defines the center of the map view.

The view map mode

In lines 13-16 of the HTML file, we assign the center parameter with the coordinates of the Statue of Liberty, 40.689247,-74.044502, and pass 18 to the zoom parameter. That leads to a close-up of the monument with no markers or directions.