Solution: Design Add and Search Words Data Structure
Let's solve the Design Add and Search Words Data Structure problem using the Trie pattern.
Design a data structure that enables the addition of new words, facilitates word search, and provides the count of all words.
Implement a struct, WordDictionary, which should provide the following functionalities:
NewWordDictionary(): This function will initialize the object.
Add Word(word): This function will store the provided word in the data structure.
Search Word(word): This function will return TRUE if any string in the WordDictionary object matches the query word. Otherwise, it will return FALSE.
If the query word contains dots,
, each dot is free to match any letter of the alphabet. For example, the dot in the string “.ad” can have possible search results like “aad”, “bad”, “cad”, and so on. -
Get Words(): This function will return all the words in the WordDictionary struct.
Words passed to Add Word() consist of lowercase English letters.
Words passed to Search Word() consist of
or lowercase English letters. -
There will be, at most, three dots in a word passed to Search Word().
At most, ...