Learn about the metrics to capture the success of a feed-ranking system.
The feed-ranking system aims to maximize user engagement. So, let’s start by looking at all the user actions on a Twitter feed.
User actions
The following are some of the actions that the user will perform on their tweet, categorized as positive and negative actions.
Positive user actions
Time spent viewing the tweet
Liking a Tweet
Commenting on a Tweet
Negative user actions
Hiding a Tweet
Reporting Tweets as inappropriate
Now, you need to look at these different forms of engagements on the feed to see if your feed ranking system did a good job.
📝 All of the metrics we are going to discuss can be used to determine the user engagement of the feed generated by our feed ranking system.
User engagement metrics
The following illustration shows how feed engagement data generates useful statistics for gauging user engagement.
The above illustration shows different ...