Spring AOP
Learn about a few interview questions regarding Spring AOP.
We'll cover the following...
- What is AOP, and how does it relate to OOP?
- What is a cross-cutting concern in AOP?
- Is there a difference between the terms concern and cross cutting concern in Spring AOP?
- What problems does AOP solve?
- Name some implementations of AOP?
- What is the difference between Spring AOP and AspectJ AOP?
- How does Spring implement a cross cutting concern?
- What is a proxy in Spring AOP?
- What is a target object?
- What advantage does Spring AOP provide?
- What is a JoinPoint?
- What is advice?
- List the different types of advice in AOP?
- Which advice type is appropriate for a try catch block?
- What is the difference between Joinpoint and ProceedingJoinPoint?
- What is pointcut?
- What is a named pointcut?
- What is an Aspect?
- What is weaving?
- When does the Spring framework perform weaving?
- Which AspectJ Pointcut Designators are supported by Spring AOP?
- Are there any limitations of Spring AOP?
What is AOP, and how does it relate to OOP?
AOP stands for Aspect Oriented Programming. It divides the application logic into parts called concerns. AOP is similar to OOP in terms of modularity. It differs from OOP in the way modularity is defined. In OOP, modularity is achieved by using ...