Video Representation
In this lesson, you will learn how videos are represented in a computer system.
We'll cover the following...
What is a video?
Have you ever seen one of those things where a cartoonist draws pictures on successive pages in a notebook and then flips the pages quickly so it appears as if the picture is in motion? That’s the basis of videos: images displayed rapidly from one to the next. Each image is called a frame, and the rate at which we change the images is called the frame rate.
In simple words, a video is a succession of images. And images, as we already know, are three-dimensional arrays of coloured pixels. Therefore, a video is simply a succession of three-dimensional arrays of colored pixels like shown in Figure 1.
Each image in a video is called a frame. Each video can be described with three attributes:
Duration (time in minutes or hours)
Frame size (number of horizontal and vertical pixels)
Frame rate (frames per second) ... ...