Getting Lazy

Learn about lazy queries generated by GraphQL Code Generator and use them in a React application.

The generated useAllBooksLazyQuery function

GraphQL Code Generator created a function named useAllBooksLazyQuery in our src/generated/graphql.tsx file.

export function useAllBooksLazyQuery(
baseOptions?: Apollo.LazyQueryHookOptions<AllBooksQuery, AllBooksQueryVariables>
) {
const options = {...defaultOptions, ...baseOptions}
return Apollo.useLazyQuery<AllBooksQuery, AllBooksQueryVariables>(AllBooksDocument, options);
useAllBooksLazyQuery function generated using GraphQL Code Generator

This function looks a lot like useAllBooksQuery, but it uses the word “lazy” a few times. In this lesson, we’ll explore the difference between the useAllBooksQuery and the useAllBooksLazyQuery functions. We will use a function like useAllBooksLazyQuery to search for books that contain a specific word or two in their title.

Here is what we will have by the end of this lesson.

Working with lazy queries

To find all books, we use the books field. But to find books by a title, the GraphQL server uses a different field called booksWithTitle, as shown in the code snippet below:

query {
booksWithTitle(title: "React") {

To use this new query in our client, we will remove the allBooksQuery from the components/Books/index.tsx ...