HomeCoursesIntegrating Apollo Client with React Applications



Integrating Apollo Client with React Applications
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Gain insights into integrating Apollo Client with React to manage GraphQL data. Delve into TypeScript code generation, lazy queries, union types, and executing mutations efficiently.
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Course Overview

Apollo Client is a popular library in JavaScript which is integrated with React applications to fetch and manage local and remote data with GraphQL. It is a comprehensive state management library, managing the state automatically with minimal code. In this course, you’ll learn to integrate React applications with a GraphQL server. The course uses Apollo with React applications to query a GraphQL server. You will learn how to use the GraphQL Code Generator to generate TypeScript code that you can use in a R...Show More
Apollo Client is a popular library in JavaScript which is integrated with React applications to fetch and manage local and remot...Show More


Hands-on experience with integration of Apollo Client with React applications
A deep understanding of the GraphQL Code Generator
The ability to query a GraphQL server
Working knowledge about the lazy queries execution
Working knowledge of querying union types
Familiarity with mutations and their execution
Hands-on experience with integration of Apollo Client with React applications

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Web Development

Course Content



1 Lessons

Get familiar with integrating Apollo Client with React to build robust applications.


Introducing Apollo Client

4 Lessons

Look at integrating Apollo Client with React to fetch and display data.


Automatically Generated Types

6 Lessons

Examine integrating GraphQL Code Generator for automatic TypeScript types, enhancing code quality in React.


Lazy Queries

4 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of lazy queries, dynamic data loading, and implementing debouncing for performance.


Union Types

4 Lessons

Map out the steps for querying and handling varying user data with union types in GraphQL.



6 Lessons

Create and manage data in React apps using GraphQL mutations, server communication, and form validation.



1 Lessons

Practice using Apollo Client to build efficient, interactive React applications.



3 Lessons

Step through integrating Apollo Client, GraphQL Code Generator, and TypeScript in React setups.
Certificate of Completion
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