Save the Card for Future Checkouts
Learn how to save a card during payment and charge the saved card later.
Both the Payment Intents API and the Setup Intents API have the capability to handle any varying regulations and bank behaviors for the e-commerce business. The business can inform Stripe on how it intends to use the card and the payments will be routed behind the scenes by Stripe to optimize the business’s payment acceptance rates as well as improve customer’s experience on the platform.
In some e-commerce business models, you would want to save the card details of a customer for future payments. This will improve the experience for recurring customers, as they will not have to repeatedly go through the hassle of entering their card details each time they wish to make a payment.
For this lesson, we can use the previous example as a starting point as these are essentially additional functionalities that will be implemented on top of the existing one. However, we first need to create a customer for whom we want to save the card for future checkouts.
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