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Certificate of Completion

Integration With Stripe API

Discover how to integrate Stripe API to accept and manage online payments, create recurring charges, and handle payments in React apps using Stripe SDKs and libraries.
Discover how to integrate Stripe API to accept and manage online payments, create recurring charges, and handle payments in React apps using Stripe SDKs and libraries.


Adaptive Learning



Adaptive Learning

This course includes

10 Lessons
7 Playgrounds
Course Overview
Course Content
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Course Overview

Stripe helps developers to accept payments online. It allows you to keep track of payments, search past payments, create recurring charges, and keep track of customers. Stripe API helps to access the Stripe functionalities. This course is designed for learners who want to learn about Stripe SDKs and libraries (both client and server) to enable payments in their apps and expand their skill set. This course provides React applications to help you learn how to create a checkout experience and handle various p...Show More
Stripe helps developers to accept payments online. It allows you to keep track of payments, search past payments, create recurri...Show More

Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with Stripe API, payment workflows, and essential regulatory compliance.


Understanding Stripe API

2 Lessons

Discover the logic behind Stripe API keys, intents, and secure interaction methods.


Creating a Checkout Experience

5 Lessons

Work your way through setting up servers, building checkout forms, demo applications, and saving cards.



1 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of transitioning from Stripe test mode to live mode for real payments.

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