Location and Link Components
Learn how to use the Location and Link components of the Dash Core Components package.
These components are part of Dash Core Components, and their names make quite clear what they are and what they might do.
Getting to know the Location
The Location
component refers to the browser’s location bar. It’s also referred to as the address bar or the URL bar. We typically place a Location
component in the app, and it doesn’t produce anything visible. We mainly use it to discover where we are in the app, and based on that, we induce some functionality.
Let’s create a simple example to see how it can be used in its simplest form.
Create a simple app.
import dash_html_components as HTML import dash_core_components as dcc from jupyter_dash import JupyterDash from dash.dependencies import Output, Input app = JupyterDash(__name__)
Create a simple layout for the app containing a
component and, right underneath it, an emptydiv
.app.layout = html.Div([ dcc.Location(id='location'), html.Div(id='output') ])
Create a callback function that takes the
attribute of theLocation
component and prints it to the emptydiv
.@app.callback(Output('output', 'children'),