Client Side Hydration

When the user first loads the page, we need to show some list items right away. We'll learn how to in this lesson!

Server side #

We first want to get to a point where we have our initial set of data. As soon as the window loads, let’s pull data from the server and display ​it as a series of tweets.

To know if we’ve succeeded, the server should have some data.

We’ll write a short script to do so:

Press + to interact
function loadTestData() {
const sampleData = [];
const sampleDataSize = 20;
for (let i = 0; i < sampleDataSize; i++) {
const message = getRandomString({
length: getRandomInteger({min: 10, max: 150}),
includeSpaces: true
const firstName = getRandomString({
length: getRandomInteger({min: 3, max: 7}),
includeSpaces: false
const lastName = getRandomString({
length: getRandomInteger({min: 3, max: 7}),
includeSpaces: false
const handle = '@' + getRandomString({
length: getRandomInteger({min: 4, max: 8}),
includeSpaces: false
tweet: {
name: `${firstName} ${lastName}`,
message, handle
for (const data of sampleData) {
// Do nothing with result + 'tweets', data, () => {});

Hopefully, this gives a good set of data. I’ve changed the getRandomString function slightly to include spaces only if specified​, ...