User Profiling
A step-by-step guide to user profiling.
We'll cover the following...
In the overview of the UEL model, we introduced you to the concept of user profiling. In this lesson, we will dive into a detailed procedure of how user profiling is conducted.
Sample technique
There are two ways to collect data about users:
- By distributing questionnaires to actual users
- By interviewing people who have knowledge about the whole group of users
The first approach produces more accurate and reliable results. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to obtain data directly from the users using a questionnaire.
Determine user categories: The first step is to define intended users in terms of categories. In most cases, they are chosen from already defined categories, i.e. children, elders, professionals, doctors, technicians, students, men, women, etc.
Determine relevant user characteristics: The next step is to define which user characteristics are relevant to the project and should be added to the user profile. It is a good practice to start with a template questionnaire and modify it according to the project. When the characteristics are defined, add or modify questions in the template to gather required information regarding those characteristics.
Develop a draft questionnaire: The third step is to create a draft. Revise and modify the template to remove any unnecessary questions or to add relevant questions. Also, add an introductory paragraph to explain the questionnaire’s purpose and the system’s intended benefits to the user.
Get management feedback on the draft: After the draft questionnaire is complete, get management’s feedback and approval on the draft.
Revise the questionnaire: Incorporate any feedback received from the management team.
Conduct a pilot interview: Select at least two to three users from each potential category defined above and discuss each question to check completeness, appropriateness, and mutual understanding.
Revise the questionnaire: Incorporate any feedback received from the interviews.
Select a user sample and distribute the questionnaire: Select an equal number of users from each category and distribute the questionnaire.
Design data entry/analysis: Design formats for data entry and analysis. The format can be as simple as a table on paper, or it can be in the form of a spreadsheet or a program.
Enter and summarize the data: Once the questionnaires are received, enter data in the format designed above and analyze it to produce a data summary.
Interpret data: Interpret the summarized user characteristics to identify the general needs of each category and the implications these needs may have for the interface.
Present results: The last step is to distribute the conclusions among the interested teams. The conclusions should also be added to the style guide.