More on Matrices

Learn how we can perform some advanced matrix operations using JAX.

While the vast world of matrices and the implementation is more than even a dedicated course can cover, we’ll try to do some justice to the subject by concluding with another lesson covering a few important concepts.


Like the norm, the determinant is a scalar value characterizing a square matrix. It is quite useful in defining some properties of the matrix.

For example, a matrix is singular if (and only if) its determinant is zero.

We can calculate it as:

a = linalg.det(A)


The inverse of a matrix is defined as:

A1=Adj.AAA^{-1} = \frac{Adj. A}{|A|}

The linalg sublibrary provides the function for inverse calculation as:

A_inv = linalg.inv(A)

Note: The linalg.pinv() can be used to calculate a pseudo-inverseWhile inverse is calculated only for square, full-rank matrices, Pseudo/Moore-Penrose inverse can be calculated for any mxn matrix. and doesn’t support the int members.


Similarly, we can calculate the power of A using matrix_power() as:

A_square = linalg.matrix_power(A,2)
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A = jnp.array([[1, 2, 3],[ 4, 5, 6],[7, 8, 9]])
B = linalg.matrix_power(A,-1)
C = linalg.inv(A)
d = linalg.det(A)
print(C) # will have same answer as B
print("Matrix's determinant is: ",d)

A is singularA matrix having 0 determinant and hence an undefined inverse., so the outputs above should not be a surprise. Below is a non-singular matrix with its square and inverse respectively:

Press + to interact
A = jnp.array([[1, -1, 3],[ 3, 5, 1],[7, 0, 9]])
B = linalg.matrix_power(A,2)
C = linalg.inv(A)
D = linalg.inv(C) #Allowing rounding-off, D=A
e = linalg.det(A)
print("Matrix's determinant is: ",e)

Eigenvectors and eigenvalues

If we recall, an eigenvector v of a square matrix A is defined as:

Av=λvAv=\lambda v

where λ is the corresponding eigenvalue.

lamba_values, eigen_vect = linalg.eig(A)

Compared to normal NumPy, the JAX version treats every value as complex, so don’t be surprised by the j we observe in the output values.

It may be tempting to use “lambda” as a variable identifier. Don’t do this since lambda is a keyword. Instead, we can use λ itself as an identifier.

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A = jnp.array([[2,1,5],[3,0,4],[2,1,-2]])
λ, eigen_vectors = linalg.eig(A)
print("The λ values are:,",λ)
print("And Eigen vectors (as a matrix) are:",eigen_vectors)


Eigenvalues of a vector introduce another related concept.

We call a square matrix a positive definite matrix if all the eigenvalues are positive while a positive semidefinite matrix is one having all its eigenvalues either zero or positive.

We can extend this concept to negative definite and semidefinite matrices as well.

If a matrix has some positive eigenvalues and other negatives, it’s called an indefinite matrix. These matrices are pretty helpful as we will shortly see in the follow-up lessons.

Note: The concept of definiteness is usually restricted to only real-value square matrices, but can be expanded to complex matrices if needed.

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def TestDefiniteness(X):
if(jnp.all(linalg.eigvals(X) > 0)):
print("It's Positive Definite")
elif(jnp.all(linalg.eigvals(X) >= 0)):
print("It's Positive Semidefinite")
elif(jnp.all(linalg.eigvals(X) < 0)):
print("It's Negative Definite")
elif(jnp.all(linalg.eigvals(X) <= 0)):
print("It's Negative Semidefinite")
print("Its Indefinite")
#Lets test some matrices
A = jnp.array(([2.0,3.0,4.0],[1.2,2.4,5.2],[2.8,3.6,4.9]))
B = jnp.array(([2.4,4.3],[6.1, 13.6]))

Singular Value Decomposition

We’ll conclude the lesson by performing a singular value decomposition (SVD) on a given matrix. If you recall, an SVD of matrix A is:

U Σ V=AU~\Sigma ~V^* = A

If A is m×nm\times n, then the dimensions of the decomposed matrices are:

U:m×mU: m \times m

Σ:m×n\Sigma: m \times n

V:n×nV^*: n \times n

We can verify the dimensions in this example:

Press + to interact
A = jnp.array([[2,1,5],[3,0,4],[2,1,-2],[4,0,7]])
U, Sigma, V = linalg.svd(A)
print("Original matrix shape:",A.shape)
print("U shape:",U.shape)
print("Σ shape:",Sigma.shape)
print("V* shape:", V.shape)

If we look closely, while the shapes of UU and VV^* are consistent with the formula, Σ\Sigma is returned as a one-dimensional vector of singular values, which is consistent with NumPy.