HomeCoursesIntroduction to JAX and Deep Learning


2h 30min

Introduction to JAX and Deep Learning
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Discover the power of JAX in deep learning. Gain insights into its ecosystem and learn about linear algebra, pseudo-random number generation, and optimization algorithms for cleaner, structured coding.
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Course Overview

JAX is a Python library designed for high-performance ML research. It is a powerful numerical computing library, just like Numpy, but with some key improvements. In this course, you will learn all about JAX and its ecosystem of libraries (Haiku, Jraph, Chex, Flax, Optax). Addressing a wide range of audiences, you will cover several topics including linear algebra, random variables theory, pseudo-random number generation, and optimization algorithms. By the end of this course, you will have a new set of sk...Show More
JAX is a Python library designed for high-performance ML research. It is a powerful numerical computing library, just like Numpy...Show More


Learn the basics of JAX
Learn how to apply Autograd
Use auto vectorization for batching
Use Haiku and Flax for implementing neural networks
Cover Optax and overview of common optimization algorithms in deep learning
Use Chex for testing JAX programs
Learn the basics of applied linear algebra
Learn random variables theory and probability distributions
Learn pseudo-random number generation
Cover the basics of optimal transport
Learn the basics of JAX

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Random Variables

Neural Networks

Functional Programming

Deep learning basics

Course Content



2 Lessons

Get familiar with JAX, a powerful library for deep learning and numerical computing.


JAX Programming Model

9 Lessons

Walk through JAX's programming model, including pure functions, JIT, jaxpr, and autodiff.



6 Lessons

Focus on installation steps, notable JAX libraries, models, vector calculus, common errors, and key terms.
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