

Collection Data Type: LIST

Collection Data Type: LIST

Explore Apache Cassandra's Collection data type LIST, which enable the storage of multiple values within a single column, providing flexibility in organizing and manipulating data.

In Apache Cassandra, collections are data types that store multiple values in a single column, enabling efficient data grouping, simplifying table design, providing efficient data retrieval and atomic operations.

Storing large amounts of data in a collection is an anti-pattern.

Cassandra does not support accessing individual elements of a collection, as collections are read in their entirety. The FROZEN keyword is used to nest a collection inside another collection.

Cassandra provides the following three collection types:

  • SET

  • LIST

  • MAP

The LIST collection

Like SET, a LIST groups and stores a collection of values in the same cell. However, the values need not be unique, and a value can appear multiple times. Additionally, the order of insertion is preserved in a LIST. LIST elements are enclosed in square brackets [].

LISTs are designed to store values in a particular order, representing a many-to-many relationship with another column in the table.

The following syntax is used to create a column as a LIST:

ColumnName LIST <columnDataType>

For example, to create a LIST of collaborators, the following column definition will be included in the CREATE TABLE statement :
