HomeCoursesIntroduction to Apache Cassandra



Introduction to Apache Cassandra
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Learn about Apache Cassandra and its key scalable and reliable data management features.
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Course Overview

Apache Cassandra is an open-source, distributed NoSQL database recognized for its scalability, reliability, and continuous availability. The course explores the core concepts that drive these features, including distributed architecture, data modeling, CQL, table design, data types, tunable consistency, and the read/write path. Lessons combine theoretical insights with hands-on exercises, allowing you to execute CQL queries directly in your browser and view real-time results with no setup required. Additi...Show More
Apache Cassandra is an open-source, distributed NoSQL database recognized for its scalability, reliability, and continuous avail...Show More


An understanding of Apache Cassandra’s evolution and key features
An understanding of Cassandra’s architecture and the basics of data modeling in Cassandra
Hands-on experience with CQL, DDL, and DML operations
The ability to utilize primary and secondary indexes effectively for data organization
Working knowledge of Cassandra data types: native, collections, user-defined, and tuples
The ability to configure tunable consistency and evaluate its impact
Working knowledge of Cassandra’s read and write paths
An understanding of Apache Cassandra’s evolution and key features

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Course Content


Getting Started

1 Lessons

Learn essential Cassandra skills, including architecture, data modeling, and CQL.


Apache Cassandra Overview

3 Lessons

Discover Apache Cassandra’s history, features, and ideal use cases for data management.


Apache Cassandra Data Modeling

5 Lessons

Explore Apache Cassandra’s storage structure, modeling, and native data types.


Apache Cassandra Read and Write Path

3 Lessons

Understand Cassandra’s efficient write and read paths for optimized data management.


Wrap Up

2 Lessons

Explore course summary and learn best practices for optimizing Cassandra’s performance and scalability.
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