Complex Graph Types

Learn complex graph structures such as heterogeneous graphs, multiplex graphs, and bipartite graphs.

There are some graph structures that are more complex and used to represent phenomena of higher complexity. Let’s explore some of these structures.

Heterogeneous graphs

The most common types of graphs have one type of representation for nodes (a person, for example) and one representation for edges (friendship level, for example).

However, there are more complex structures we can create using graphs. Knowing them is important because we’ll use them in some specific situations during our work.

The first type is called heterogeneous graphs. In heterogeneous graphs, every node and edge can represent something different. We can have, for example, a node being a person and another node being a job. The edge between them can represent that this person works on that job. We can have another node that represents a company and link it to the job by an edge that says that this job belongs to that company. Finally, the edge between two persons can mean a friendship relation.

Let’s represent this scenario in the following graph:

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