The Graph2Vec Algorithm

Learn the Graph2Vec algorithm to generate embeddings of whole graphs.

What is Graph2Vec?

Graph2Vec is another embedding algorithm, however, it focuses on creating a vector representation for entire graphs, not only nodes. This way it allows for comparison between different graph structures in a metric space.

How the Graph2Vec algorithm works

The idea behind Graph2Vec is that we can treat the entire graph as a collection of subgraphs, which are subsets of nodes and edges from the original graph. Therefore, for each graph, we’ll generate a set of subgraphs based on each node of the graph.

The way of generating those subgraphs is by looking at ego graphs from nodes. A node ego graph is a graph rooted in the node and all its neighbors and neighbors of neighbors considering kk hops from the original node.

For example, let’s consider the following graph:

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A sample graph
A sample graph

The ego graph for node 1 ...