
Let’s learn how comparison operators, logical operators, and conditional statements work in Python.

Let’s talk about the following:

  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Conditional statements

Comparison operators

Comparison operators allow us to compare two elements. These operators include the greater than, the less than, the equal to, and the not equal to operators.

Let’s try each of these with examples:

Press + to interact
print('3 > 4 : ', 3 > 4) # 3 greater than 4?
print('3 < 4 : ', 3 < 4) # 3 less than 4?
print('2 >= 2 : ',2 >= 2) # 2 greater or equal to 2?
print('3 <= 4 : ', 3 <= 4) # 3 less or equal to 4?
# == is different than =, which is assignment operator
print('1 == 1 : ', 1 == 1)
# We can compare strings using == operator
print("'Tom' == 'TOM' : ",'Tom' == 'TOM')
print("'Tom' == 'Jim' : ",'Tom' == 'Jim')
print("'Tom' == 'Tom' : ",'Tom' == 'Tom')
# Not equal
print("'Tom' != 'Tom' : ", 'Tom' != 'Tom' )

Logical operators

Logical operators combine multiple conditions using the and and or operators between conditions.

  • For the