/Implementing the Controller and Sub-Application
Implementing the Controller and Sub-Application
Learn how to add a controller for the new header sub-application.
We'll cover the following...
Adding the List
With the data and display portions ready, let’s add the controller:
Press + to interact
ContactManager.module("HeaderApp.List", function(List, ContactManager,Backbone, Marionette, $, _){List.Controller = {listHeader: function(){var links = ContactManager.request("header:entities");var headers = new List.Headers({collection: links});ContactManager.regions.header.show(headers);}};});
Now, we need to display our header menu:
Press + to interact
ContactManager.module("HeaderApp", function(Header, ContactManager,Backbone, Marionette, $, _){var API = {listHeader: function(){Header.List.Controller.listHeader();}};ContactManager.commands.setHandler("set:active:header", function(name){ContactManager.HeaderApp.List.Controller.setActiveHeader(name);});Header.on("start", function(){API.listHeader();});});
We’ve implemented a command handler in lines 9–11 so other sub-apps can command our header to ...