

Implementing the Modal Functionality

Implementing the Modal Functionality

Learn how to add a DOM element for our modal window and how to add/change the title to the modal view.

So far, we have implemented a modal view but haven’t added any functionality to it.

DOM element

If we want to display modal windows, we’ll need a region to show them. Let’s add a DOM element for our modal dialogs in the following code in line 7:

Press + to interact
<div id="app-container">
<div id="main-region" class="container">
<p>Here is static content in the web page. You'll notice that it gets
replaced by our app as soon as we start it.</p>
<div id="dialog-region"></div>

We also need Marionette to configure this new DOM element as a region within our application:

Press + to interact
ContactManager.on("before:start", function(){
var RegionContainer = Marionette.LayoutView.extend({
el: "#app-container",
regions: {
main: "#main-region",
dialog: "#dialog-region"
ContactManager.regions = new RegionContainer();

Display on click

Let’s display our edit form in a modal window when the user clicks the edit link in our List view:

Press + to interact
// "childview:contact:show" handler
contactsListView.on("childview:contact:edit", function(childView, model){
var view = new ContactManager.ContactsApp.Edit.Contact({
model: model
view.on("show", function(){
modal: true,
width: "auto"
// "childview:contact:delete" handler

We reuse our Edit.Contact view from the Edit submodule and display it within a modal. This ...