

Dictionary, Tuple, Set, and Cell

Dictionary, Tuple, Set, and Cell

Learn about dictionaries, tuples, sets, and cell data types in MATLAB and Python.

Python has specific data types that are unavailable in MATLAB or any other programming language. These include dictionaries, tuples, and sets. We only have dictionaries in MATLAB 2022b version.

Unlike simple arrays in MATLAB, we can use cell array, which has similar features like list, tuple or set in Python.

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The list, tuple and set
The list, tuple and set


The dictionary data type was introduced in MATLAB 2022b. We need a key and value pair to initialize a dictionary. In MATLAB, both the key and value must be arrays.

Let’s implement a dictionary in MATLAB.

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ids = [1 2 3];
names = ["alice" "bob" "charlie"];
d = dictionary(ids,names) % initialize and print a dictionary
whos d % display data type of disctionary

The output of the above code is:

Press + to interact
dictionary (double ⟼ string) with 3 entries:
1 ⟼ "alice"
2 ⟼ "bob"
3 ⟼ "charlie"
Name Size Bytes Class Attributes
d 1x1 300 dictionary

In Python, a dictionary data structure stores the data in {key: value} ...