HomeCoursesIntroduction to Python for MATLAB Users



Introduction to Python for MATLAB Users
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Gain insights into Python for MATLAB users, covering syntax, data structures, file handling, and data visualization. Learn about NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, and practice through hands-on challenges.
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Course Overview

Python is a versatile programming language with many open-source packages for different applications. Even scientists using MATLAB for complex tasks are shifting toward Python. This course focuses on MATLAB users learning Python. First, you’ll be introduced to MATLAB and Python’s key differences and similarities. You’ll learn the fundamentals of Python syntax and data types and structures, particularly lists, dictionaries, sets, and tuples. You’ll learn the control flow of programs, functions, and file han...Show More
Python is a versatile programming language with many open-source packages for different applications. Even scientists using MATL...Show More


An understanding of how Python can be used for scientific computing and its many other applications
The ability to differentiate between MATLAB and Python environments
Working knowledge of Python programming fundamentals
Ability to make data visualization plots
Hands-on experience using popular Python libraries such as NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn
Familiarity with the Pythonic style of programming
An understanding of how Python can be used for scientific computing and its many other applications

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Course Content


Introduction to the Course

3 Lessons

Get familiar with transitioning from MATLAB to Python, key programming principles, and essential Python features.


Universe of the Two Worlds

4 Lessons

Discover the logic behind MATLAB and Python environments, tools, and their specialized libraries.


Basic Data Types and Operations

6 Lessons

Examine key data types, arrays, indexing, data structures, and operators in Python and MATLAB.


Control Flow

5 Lessons

Grasp the fundamentals of Python control flow using conditional statements, loops, break, continue, and switch-case structures.



3 Lessons

Solve problems in creating and using functions, including lambda functions, in Python and MATLAB.


File Handling

3 Lessons

Follow the process of reading and writing files, managing CSV/Excel, and handling multimedia.


Practice Challenges

4 Lessons

Try out data manipulation, visualization, and signal processing using pandas and Python libraries.



2 Lessons

Discover the logic behind Python's principles and transitioning from MATLAB to Python.



1 Lessons

Work your way through using Jupyter Notebooks for code execution and documentation.
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