

Draw a Pie Chart

Draw a Pie Chart

Learn how to draw a pie chart using an angle generator.


After exploring the steps needed to draw a pie chart in the previous two lessons, it is time to dive into creating a pie chart. A pie chart is used to show the proportion of different quantities. We will draw a pie chart in D3.js with the help of the following two APIs.

  • d3.arc()
  • d3.pie()


Let’s demonstrate the pie chart by taking some dummy data that shows programming languages used by developers in 2020.

Pie chart


As shown in the above code in:

  • Line 29-33: First, we have defined p_chart. We have selected pie, which doesn’t exist, so it will return an empty selection. Now we are joining data() with our return selection through data(pie(data)). Then we have appended the g tag for each data point.
  • Line 34-38 is where the pie chart is drawn with the help of an arc. With the help of ordinalScale(), we have assigned a color to each arc.
  • Line 39-42: We have added the name of the language to the respective arc by using the text() method. This text() will be placed at the centroid of each arc with the help of the arc.centroid() method.