

Who should take this course, and why?

Who should take this course, and why?

A brief introduction to the importance of this course and its prerequisites.


Welcome aboard! Before starting this course on D3.js, a powerful library for data visualization, you need to understand some basic web technologies. This course has the following prerequisites:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

Let’s take a small quiz to help you gauge your knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

<script type="text/javascript"> 
var1 = 10 + "3"; 

What will be rendered with the following code?








None of the above

Question 1 of 100 attempted

Why study this course?

Why should you study D3.js? There are many advantages to studying D3.js compared to conventional data visualization tools. D3.js is a JavaScript library that focuses on data, and it is a comprehensive tool for data visualization. Visualizing data is essential, as the human brain quickly processes a massive amount of data in the form of graphs and charts. D3.js makes it easy to convey information to another person.

D3.js has several advantages over other conventional data visualization:

  • D3.js works with existing web technologies, i.e., HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • D3.js is flexible.
  • D3.js is fast and lightweight as it works directly in the browser.
  • It allows code reusability.
  • It works well with large datasets.
  • It gives you complete control over visualization.

Course learning outcomes

Let’s take a look at the outcomes of this course. Upon the completion of this course, you should:

  • Understand the fundamentals of D3
  • Understand what SVGs are and how they work with D3
  • Be able to draw scales, axes, labels, and margins to make some basic visualizations
  • Learn how to draw different charts, networks, and treemaps based on data
  • Add interactivity to visualization