This lesson explores the concept of cursors which offer an efficient mechanism to process query results containing multiple rows.
In the previous lesson on iterative processing we looped through a set of rows. Cursors is a kind of a loop which is used to traverse the rows returned by a query. Just as the cursor on the computer screen shows the current position, a database cursor also shows its current position in the result-set. Cursors can only be used in stored procedures, functions and triggers to loop through the results of a query one row at a time. Cursors have some properties which will be discussed next.
Cursors are read-only meaning they can only be used to view the result-set and not update it. They are non-scrollable meaning they can only show rows in the result-set in a sequential manner. It is not possible to view rows in a different order than the one returned by the query or to skip some rows to reach a specific row. MySQL cursors are asensitive meaning they point to the actual data in the ...