Solution Practice Set 5
Get the solution to the exercise of viewing the information queried from a database.
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Solution Practice Set 5
For the purpose of demonstrating analytic functions, we added a new MoviesScreening table and added some columns to the existing Movies table. The relevant portion of the database relationship model is printed below.
Connect to the terminal below by clicking in the widget. Once connected, the command line prompt will show up. Enter or copy and paste the command ./DataJek/Lessons/ and wait for the MySQL prompt to start-up.
-- The lesson queries are reproduced below for convenient copy/paste into the terminal.-- Question # 1, Query 1SELECT Weekend, RevenueInMillionsFROM MovieScreeningWHERE MovieId = 10ORDER BY Weekend;-- Question # 1, Query 2SELECT T1.Weekend, T2.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillions, T2.RevenueInMillionsFROM MovieScreening T1INNER JOIN MovieScreening T2ON T1.MovieId = T2.MovieIdAND T1.Weekend >= T2.WeekendWHERE T1.MovieId = 10ORDER BY T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillions;-- Question # 1, Query 3SELECT T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillions, SUM(T2.RevenueInMillions) AS RunningTotalFROM MovieScreening T1INNER JOIN MovieScreening T2ON T1.MovieId = T2.MovieIdAND T1.Weekend >= T2.WeekendWHERE T1.MovieId = 10GROUP BY T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillionsORDER BY T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillions;-- Question # 2, Query 1CREATE VIEW CollectionPerGenre ASSELECT Genre, Sum(CollectionInMillions) as GenreTotalFrom MoviesGROUP BY GenreORDER BY 2 DESC;SELECT * FROM CollectionPerGenre;-- Question # 2, Query 2SELECT T1.Genre, T2.Genre, T1.GenreTotal, T2.GenreTotalFROM CollectionPerGenre T1INNER JOIN CollectionPerGenre T2WHERE T1.GenreTotal <= T2.GenreTotalGROUP BY T1.Genre, T2.Genre, T1.GenreTotalORDER BY T1.GenreTotal DESC, T2.GenreTotal DESC;-- Question # 2, Query 3SELECT T1.Genre, T1.GenreTotal,SUM(T2.GenreTotal) AS RunningTotalFROM CollectionPerGenre T1INNER JOIN CollectionPerGenre T2WHERE T1.GenreTotal <= T2.GenreTotalGROUP BY T1.Genre, T1.GenreTotalORDER BY T1.GenreTotal DESC;-- Question # 2, Query 4SELECT d1.Genre AS Genre,d1.GenreTotal AS TotalRevenueInMillions,(d1.RunningTotal / d2.TotalSum) * 100 AS PercentageOfTotalRevenuesFROM( SELECT T1.Genre as Genre,T1.GenreTotal AS GenreTotal,SUM(T2.GenreTotal) AS RunningTotalFROM CollectionPerGenre T1INNER JOIN CollectionPerGenre T2WHERE T1.GenreTotal <= T2.GenreTotalGROUP BY T1.Genre, T1.GenreTotalORDER BY T1.GenreTotal DESC ) d1,( SELECT SUM(GenreTotal) AS TotalSumFROM CollectionPerGenre) d2;-- Question # 3, Query 1SELECT Weekend, RevenueInMillionsFROM MovieScreeningWHERE MovieId = 5ORDER BY Weekend;-- Question # 3, Query 2SELECT @counter := @counter + 1 AS RowNum,T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillionsFROM MovieScreening T1, (SELECT @counter := 0) cWHERE MovieId = 5ORDER BY T1.Weekend;-- Question # 3, Query 3SELECT *FROM (SELECT @counter1 := @counter1+ 1 AS RowNum,T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillionsFROM MovieScreening T1, (SELECT @counter1 := 0) c1WHERE MovieId=5ORDER BY T1.Weekend ) AS table1JOIN( SELECT @counter2 := @counter2 + 1 AS RowNum,T2.Weekend, T2.RevenueInMillionsFROM MovieScreening T2, (SELECT @counter2 := 0) c2WHERE MovieId=5ORDER BY T2.Weekend ) AS table2ON table2.RowNum <= table1.RowNum AND table2.RowNum > table1.RowNum - 3ORDER BY table1.Weekend, table2.Weekend;-- Question # 3, Query 4SELECT table1.Weekend AS Weekend,table1.RevenueInMillions AS Revenue,SUM(table2.RevenueInMillions) AS 3WeekTotal,AVG(table2.RevenueInMillions) AS 3WeekAverageFROM (SELECT @counter1 := @counter1+ 1 AS RowNum,T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillionsFROM MovieScreening T1, (SELECT @counter1 := 0) c1WHERE MovieId=5ORDER BY T1.Weekend ) AS table1JOIN(SELECT @counter2 := @counter2 + 1 AS RowNum,T2.Weekend, T2.RevenueInMillionsFROM MovieScreening T2, (SELECT @counter2 := 0) c2WHERE MovieId=5ORDER BY T2.Weekend ) AS table2ON table2.RowNum <= table1.RowNum AND table2.RowNum > table1.RowNum - 3GROUP BY table1.RowNum, table1.Weekend, table1.RevenueInMillionsHAVING COUNT(table1.RowNum) > 2;-- Question # 4, Query 1SELECT Weekend, MONTH(Weekend) AS Month, ROUND(RevenueInMillions,2) As RevenueFROM MovieScreeningWHERE MovieId = 2;-- Question # 4, Query 2SELECT MONTH(Weekend) As Month, group_concat(ROUND(RevenueInMillions,2))FROM MovieScreeningWHERE MovieId = 2GROUP BY MONTH(Weekend);-- Question # 4, Query 3SELECT MONTH(Weekend) AS Month,GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(RevenueInMillions,2)) AS List,SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(RevenueInMillions,2)), ',' , 1) AS FirstValueFROM MovieScreeningWHERE MovieId = 2GROUP BY MONTH(Weekend);-- Question # 4, Query 4SELECT Weekend As Date, MONTH(Weekend) AS Month,ROUND(RevenueInMillions,2) AS RevenueInMillions, FirstValueFROM MovieScreening t1,(SELECT MONTH(Weekend) AS Month,SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(RevenueInMillions,2)), ',' , 1) AS FirstValueFROM MovieScreeningWHERE MovieId = 2GROUP BY MONTH(Weekend) ) t2WHERE t1.MovieId = 2 AND MONTH(t1.Weekend) = t2.Month;-- Question # 4, Query 5SELECT MONTH(Weekend) AS Month,GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(RevenueInMillions,2)) As List,SUBSTRING_INDEX(GROUP_CONCAT(ROUND(RevenueInMillions,2)), ',' , -1) AS LastValueFROM MovieScreeningWHERE MovieId = 2GROUP BY MONTH(Weekend);-- Question # 5, Query 1SELECT MONTH(Weekend) AS Month, SUM(RevenueInMillions) AS TotalRevenueInMillionsFROM MovieScreeningWHERE MovieId = 3GROUP BY MONTH(Weekend);-- Question # 5, Query 2SELECT Month, TotalRevenueInMillions,IF(@PrevVal = 0, 0, ROUND(((TotalRevenueInMillions - @PrevVal) / @PrevVal) * 100, 2)) "Growth %",@PrevVal := TotalRevenueInMillionsFROM( SELECT @PrevVal := 0) d1,( SELECT MONTH(Weekend) AS Month,SUM(RevenueInMillions) as TotalRevenueInMillionsFROM MovieScreeningWHERE MovieId = 3GROUP BY MONTH(Weekend) ) d2;
Question # 1
Calculate the running total of the revenue generated per week for the first 10 weeks for the movie Avengers.
Running total provides the summation of the current value and the previous ones and shows the periodic growth of a value. It changes whenever a new value is added. Taking the MovieScreening table into account, for each date, the running total is equal to the previous running total plus the current revenue.
Running total can be easily calculated using the analytical window function SUM() OVER() that has been made available in MySQL 8.0. For previous versions, the same functionality can be emulated using INNER JOINs.
To calculate the running total, we need the MovieId, Weekend, and RevenueInMillions columns from the MovieScreening table. The running total will be calculated using the RevenueInMillions column. The data required to answer this question is shown in the query below:
SELECT Weekend, RevenueInMillions
FROM MovieScreening
WHERE MovieId = 10
ORDER BY Weekend;
To calculate the running total of the revenue, we need to add the revenue of the current row with the previously calculated sum. This can be achieved by joining the MovieScreening table with itself. Since we only need a handful of rows from the MovieScreening table, we will add a join condition on MovieId to ensure that only rows for the movie Avengers are considered:< ON T1.MovieId = T2.MovieId WHERE T1.MovieId = 10
But that alone won’t serve our purpose. We need another join condition to consider only those rows preceding the current row: T1.Weekend >= T2.Weekend
SELECT T1.Weekend, T2.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillions, T2.RevenueInMillions
FROM MovieScreening T1
INNER JOIN MovieScreening T2
ON T1.MovieId = T2.MovieId
AND T1.Weekend >= T2.Weekend
WHERE T1.MovieId = 10
ORDER BY T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillions;
The output of the above query matches every date to all the preceding dates for the same MovieId. This is shown by the date in the first column being greater than or equal to the date in the second column. The running total will be calculated by adding up the values in the fourth column as shown below:
The final step is applying the SUM function to the appropriate group of rows. The SUM function is used with T2.RevenueInMillions as this column lists all the values for the RevenueInMillion column of the prior rows. The final query is:
SELECT T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillions, SUM(T2.RevenueInMillions) AS RunningTotal
FROM MovieScreening T1
INNER JOIN MovieScreening T2
ON T1.MovieId = T2.MovieId
AND T1.Weekend >= T2.Weekend
WHERE T1.MovieId = 10
GROUP BY T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillions
ORDER BY T1.Weekend, T1.RevenueInMillions;
For the sake of thoroughness, we will show how to accomplish the above task using analytic window function SUM () OVER(). The OVER() clause indicates that this is a window function and not a simple aggregate function.
SELECT Weekend, RevenueInMillions,
SUM( RevenueInMillions) OVER (ORDER BY Weekend) AS RunningTotal
FROM MovieScreening
GROUP BY Weekend, RevenueInMillions
ORDER BY Weekend;
We specify an ORDER BY element in OVER() ...