Dining Philosophers
This chapter discusses the famous Dijkstra's Dining Philosopher's problem. Two different solutions are explained at length.
We'll cover the following...
Problem Statement
This is a classical synchronization problem proposed by Dijkstra.
Imagine you have five philosopher’s sitting on a roundtable. The philosopher’s do only two kinds of activities. One they contemplate, and two they eat. However, they have only five forks between themselves to eat their food with. Each philosopher requires both the fork to his left and the fork to his right to eat his food. The arrangement of the philosophers and the forks are shown in the diagram. Design a solution where each philosopher gets a chance to eat his food without causing a deadlock.
For no deadlock to occur at all and have all the philosopher be able to eat, we would need ten forks, two for each philosopher. With five forks available, at most, only two philosophers will be able to eat while letting a third hungry philosopher to hold onto the fifth fork and wait for another one to become available before he can eat. Think of each fork as a resource that needs to be owned by one of the philosophers sitting on either side. Let’s try to model the problem in code before we even attempt to find a solution. Each fork represents a resource that two of the philosophers on either side can attempt to acquire. This intuitively suggests using a semaphore with a permit value of 1 to represent a fork. Each philosopher can then be thought of as a thread that tries to acquire the forks to the left and right of it. Given this, let’s see how our class would look like.
public class DiningPhilosophers {
// This random variable is used for test purporses only
private static Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis());
// Five semaphore represent the five